December 5, 2017: (Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire) — Three survivors of former Gambian president Yahya Jammeh’s fraudulent AIDS “cure” recounted their harrowing experiences and their determination to bring the dictator to justice during a press conference at the 19th International Conference of AIDS and STIs (ICASA) in Africa today. AIDS-Free World is working in concert with the Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa, Gambian lawyers, and international partners to support the survivors and relatives of those who died at Jammeh's hands to pursue all possible legal avenues in their search for justice. (UN Photo / Mark Garten)
Read MoreDecember 1, 2017: AIDS-Free World will be holding a press conference on Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at the International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa, ICASA, with survivors of the former president of The Gambia's counterfeit AIDS 'cure'. (UN Photo / Amanda Voisard)
Read MoreOctober 27, 2017: Stephen Lewis delivers a statement upon returning from an October fact-finding trip to Mumbai and Delhi to assess tuberculosis in India. (Photo: © AIDS-Free World)
Read MoreOctober 20, 2017: In AIDS-Free World's Co-Director's speech to the Manitoba Social Science Teachers’ Association PD Day, Stephen Lewis calls on the Federal Government of Canada to publish the database on Inuit tuberculosis graves and provide an apology. (Photo:
Read MoreOctober 10, 2017: For the International Day of the Girl Child 2017, AIDS-Free World explores why the International Labour Organization (ILO) continues to neglect to include millions of girls in illegal child marriages, in its efforts to combat child labour. (Photo:
Read MoreOctober 5, 2017: On World Teachers' Day, we ask teachers to show their support and call on the ILO to recognize child marriage as child labour. (Photo: Shutterstock)
Read MoreSeptember 23, 2017: Excerpt from Co-director Stephen Lewis’ speech delivered at the University of Alberta’s Alumni Weekend. (Photo:
Read MoreSeptember 9, 2017: Stephen Lewis delivers a statement on the challenges addressing TB in northern Canada at a press conference in Iqaluit, Nunavut. (Photo: Georgia White)
Read MoreAugust 4, 2017: AIDS-Free World's Georgia White examines the steep uphill battle ahead in the fight against HIV and AIDS. (Photo:
Read MoreAIDS-Free World Co-Director Stephen Lewis calls on UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to make good on promises made to the people of Haiti. (Photo: UN Photo / Marco Dormino)
Read MoreJune 2, 2017: As Haiti's UN mission winds down, Code Blue's Paula Donovan highlights ongoing impunity for sexual exploitation and abuse by UN peacekeeping personnel. (UN Photo / Logan Abassi)
Read MoreApril 18, 2017: In a new op-ed, Paula Donovan argues that we need a new independent special court mechanism to address sexual abuse by UN peacekeeping personnel. (UN Photo / Myriam Asmani)
Read MoreStephen Lewis' keynote address to the 21st Conference of The Union — North America.
Read MoreFebruary 7, 2017: Richard Elliott and Stephen Lewis speak out against the 'witch hunt' of HIV criminalization in an editorial for the Toronto Star.
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